MARS FIRE & SAFETY (INDIA) PVT. LTD. has been promoted in the year 1995. The main object of the company is to carry out the business of engineering
consultancy and turnkey installation of Fire Protection Systems for industrial and commercial risks.
The company since then has grown into a full fledged organization offering wide range of specialized services including turnkey solutions to all the needs in the field of Fire Protection. The company designs, supplies, install, commissions, services and maintain an ever-growing range of Fire Protection Systems. In addition the company also offers all related services in the field of Fire Protection. Many MARS FIRE installations are protecting sensitive & high value equipment & plants, safeguarding them against FIRE ensuring uninterrupted operations. The company is committed to remain at the forefront of the Fire Protection market and has kept pace with changes & technological advancements. We use computer-aided techniques to design & develop systems for specific needs and requirements of our clients. We ensure continuous growth & recognition as a leader in the Fire Protection industry.
- +91 9811023438